Title Hur Många Kramar Finns Det I Världen Original Title Hur Många Kramar Finns Det I Världen Production Genre Comedy Running Time 88 Discs 1 Rating EN Rating FI T Release FI EAN DVD 7391772102232 DVD Nr 5310223 EAN BluRay BluRay Nr Synopsys EN Synopsys FI is the stand-alone sequel to the box office success “The Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes”. A romantic drama-comedy, with both gripping and humorous elements. The film is about the successful New York-based commercial photographer Max who, over the years, has become bitter, mean, and lonely. His old childhood friend, Peter, who he has not been in contact with in thirty years, calls completely out of the blue and asks Max to come to Sweden and help him with a film about Peter’s daughter’s developmentally disabled friends. In a moment of weakness, Max, who sees his chance to re-establish contact with his childhood friend, Peter, and perhaps even regain his joie de vivre, says yes to coming to Sweden. However, what appeared in the beginning to be a simple task, turns out to be much more complicated. Max could never have imagined… The film’s interview sections with developmentally disabled people about their own life experiences constitute a documentary element within the story. Subtitles: DK,SE,NO,Fi,ENG Actor 1 Ellinore Holmer Actor 2 Maja Karlsson Actor 3 Claes Malmberg